Full Course List

This is the full list of our course catalog. We recommend using our normal course list page for a better user exerience.

Live Webinars

Counseling Patients on the Nonpharmacologic Approaches to Weight Loss - Live Webinar
Elevating Sterile Compounding Practices: Quality Control and Assurance Essentials Live - Live Webinar

Parkinson’s Disease. An Update on Treatments and Management for the Interdisciplinary Team (Non-Motor Symptoms) Live - Live Webinar
The Epidemiology and Pathophysiology of Weight Loss - Live Webinar
The Use of Injectable Weight Loss Medications - Live Webinar
The Use of Oral Weight Loss Medications - Live Webinar

Pharmacist Courses

A Guide for the Management of Crohn’s Disease - Monograph
A Guide for the Management of Streptococcal Pharyngitis for Pharmacy Teams - Monograph
A New Spin on Mixology: Mechanisms and Consequences of Drug-Alcohol Interactions - Monograph
A Pharmacist’s Guide to Statin Therapy - Pre-Recorded Webinar
A Pharmacist’s Guide to Statin Therapy - Monograph
A Review of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - Pre-Recorded Webinar
A Review of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - Monograph
A Review of Testosterone Replacement Therapy for the Healthcare Team - Monograph
A Review of Testosterone Replacement Therapy for the Healthcare Team Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Abscess Management: A Guide for the Healthcare Team - Monograph
Abscess Management: A Guide for the Healthcare Team Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Administration of Injectable Medications - Monograph
Alzheimer's Disease Management and Caregiver Care - Monograph
Aripiprazole and Adherence to Antipsychotic Treatment Plans - Monograph
Asenapine - Monograph
Aspirin - Should it Stay or Should it Go Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Aspirin: Should it Stay or Should it Go? - Monograph
Aura You Ready: The Pharmacy Team’s Role in Migraine Management - Monograph
Best Practices for the Management of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections - Monograph
Best Practices for the Management of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Beyond Pain and Tiredness: Management of Fibromyalgia - Monograph
Beyond-Use Date Basics for Nonsterile Compounding - Monograph
Breast Cancer Treatment Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Breast Cancer Treatment: A Multidisciplinary Approach - Monograph
Brexpiprazole - Monograph
Burn Care Essentials Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Burn Care Essentials: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Assessment, Treatment, and Recovery - Monograph
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) - Monograph
Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus - Monograph
Commonly Used Medications That May Lead to Weight Gain - Monograph
Complexities of Cystic Fibrosis Pulmonary Care - Monograph
Compounding for Pediatric Patients - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Compounding for Pediatric Patients - Monograph
Compounding Techniques for Topical and Transdermal Preparations - Monograph
Compounding Techniques for Topical and Transdermal Preparations Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Compounding Techniques: Nonsterile Oral Dosage Forms - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Compounding Techniques: Nonsterile Oral Dosage Forms - Monograph
Contraception: A Primer for Pharmacists - Monograph
Culture of Safety in the Pharmacy Setting - Monograph
Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs): Challenges and Decisions - Monograph
Droperidol - Monograph
Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation: Do Not Let Your Patients Down - Monograph
Dry Eye Disease and Perfluorohexyloctane as a Treatment Option - Monograph
Erectile Dysfunction Management - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Erectile Dysfunction Management - Monograph
Ethical and Legal Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - Monograph
Ethics in Pharmacy Practice - Monograph
Federal HIPAA Compliance for Pharmacists - Monograph
Fentanyl: Misuse and Toxicity - Monograph
Fertility Medications: A Primer for Pharmacists - Monograph
Fezolinetant as a New Treatment for Menopausal Symptoms - Monograph
From Onset to Outcome: Acute Kidney Injury Insights for Healthcare Professionals - Monograph
From Onset to Outcome: Acute Kidney Injury Insights for Healthcare Professionals - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Gabapentin - Monograph
Head Lice: Solving 'Nit-Picky' Pediculus Capitis - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Head Lice: Solving 'Nit-Picky' Pediculus Capitis - Monograph
Health Care Misinformation: A Moving Target for Regulatory Oversight - Monograph
Heart to Heart: Outpatient Medication Management in Heart Failure - Monograph
HIPAA Compliance in the Pharmacy - Pre-Recorded Webinar
HIV-AIDS and Florida Prevention Programs - Monograph
HIV-AIDS: Prevalence, Etiology, and Prevention - Monograph
Hospice: Understanding and Optimizing Comfort Care - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Hospice: Understanding and Optimizing Comfort Care - Monograph
Human Trafficking - Monograph
Human Trafficking and Florida Reporting Mandates - Monograph
Hypertension: Focusing More Attention on Identification and Intervention - Monograph
Improving Cultural Competency in the Pharmacy Setting - Monograph
Improving Patient Outcomes by Managing Polypharmacy - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Improving Patient Outcomes by Managing Polypharmacy - Monograph
Influenza Vaccination - Monograph
It Is No Longer Just an Opioid Problem: Polysubstance Misuse and the Fourth Wave of the Overdose Crisis - Monograph
Kidney Connection: Insights into Chronic Kidney Disease Management for the Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team - Monograph
Kidney Connection: Insights into Chronic Kidney Disease Management for the Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Lecanemab-irmb: A Treatment Option for the Early Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease - Monograph
Lipid Management: Beyond Statins - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Lipid Management: Beyond Statins - Monograph
Lithium and Thyroid Complications - Monograph
Lithium Antimanic and Off-label Uses - Monograph
Lithium: Managing Bipolar Disorder in Childbearing Women - Monograph
Little Tick Bite, Big Problem: Lyme Disease - Monograph
Lupus: A Complex Autoimmune Disease - Monograph
Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers for the Healthcare Team - Monograph
Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers for the Healthcare Team Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Managing Asthma in Adults and Adolescents - Monograph
Managing Clostridioides difficile Infections Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Managing Otitis Media: Strategies for Pharmacy Teams - Monograph
Managing Patient Outcomes with Deprescribing - Monograph
Mastering Sterile Compounding: Stability, Sterility, and Beyond-Use Dating - Monograph
Mastering Sterile Compounding: Stability, Sterility, and Beyond-Use Dating Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Math Matters: A Review of Calculations for Nonsterile Compounding - Monograph
Math Matters: A Review of Calculations for Sterile Compounding - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Math Matters: A Review of Calculations for Sterile Compounding - Monograph
Measles - A Renewed Threat - Monograph
Measles - A Renewed Threat Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Medication Errors - Monograph
Medication Errors and Florida Reporting Rules - Monograph
Mental Health Awareness in the Pharmacy Setting - Monograph
Mitigating Implicit Bias in the Pharmacy Setting - Monograph
More Than the Blues: The Role of Zuranolone in the Treatment of Postpartum Depression - Monograph
Mpox (Monkeypox) Situational Awareness - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Mpox (Monkeypox) Situational Awareness - Monograph
Nasal Spray Epinephrine May Be Used to Overcome Barriers to Treating Anaphylaxis - Monograph
Navigating Nephrolithiasis: Insights and Interventions in Kidney Stone Management - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Navigating Nephrolithiasis: Insights and Interventions in Kidney Stone Management - Monograph
Navigating the Labyrinth of Depression: Guidelines and Strategies for Diagnosing, Managing, and Treating Depression - Monograph
New Developments in Pain Management - Monograph
New Epinephrine Spray and Anaphylaxis Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Nirsevimab-alip as a New Option to Prevent Respiratory Syncytial Virus - Monograph
Opioid Crisis: The Use of Naloxone in Preventing Opioid Overdose-Related Deaths - Monograph
Optimizing Outcomes: Best Practices in Documentation for Sterile and Nonsterile Compounding - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Optimizing Outcomes: Best Practices in Documentation for Sterile and Nonsterile Compounding - Monograph
Optimizing the Sterile Compounding Environment: Facility and Equipment Essentials - Monograph
Optimizing the Sterile Compounding Environment: Facility and Equipment Essentials Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Otitis Media for Pharmacy Teams Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Over-the-Counter Products and Drug-Drug Interactions - Monograph
Overview of Pharmacist-led Medication Therapy Management - Monograph
Oxcarbazepine and the Treatment of Partial Seizures - Monograph
Paracetamol Peril: Managing Acetaminophen Toxicity - Monograph
Parkinson's Disease: A Collaborative Approach to Addressing Motor Symptoms - Monograph
Parkinson's Disease: A Collaborative Approach to Addressing Motor Symptoms Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Patient-Facing Interactions: Pharmacy Technicians and Pharmacists Optimizing Care - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Patient-Facing Interactions: Pharmacy Technicians and Pharmacists Optimizing Care - Monograph
Pets Are Patients Too: A Review of Veterinary Compounding - Monograph
Pharmacoeconomics in Healthcare: More Than Dollars - Monograph
Pharmacologic Approaches to Diabetes Management: Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Based Therapies - Monograph
Pharmacologic Approaches to Diabetes Treatment: Oral Medications - Monograph
Pharmacotherapy Options for Smoking Cessation - Monograph
Pharmacy Team Guide to GERD - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Pharmacy Team Guide to GERD - Monograph
Practice Makes Perfect: A Guide to Mastering Garbing, Hand Hygiene, and Aseptic Technique - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Practice Makes Perfect: A Guide to Mastering Garbing, Hand Hygiene, and Aseptic Technique - Monograph
Pregabalin as a Treatment for Seizures or Neuropathic Pain - Monograph
Prescription Drug Misuse and Drug Diversion - Monograph
Prescription Drug Misuse and Drug Diversion - Monograph
Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis - Monograph
Psychotropics and Hyperprolactinemia - Monograph
Recent Advances in Gene Therapy for Hemophilia - Monograph
Recent Updates to Texas Pharmacy Laws and Rules - Monograph
Recognizing and Managing Adolescent Depression - Monograph
Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systemic Autoimmune Inflammatory Disease - Monograph
Ritlecitinib as a Treatment for Severe Alopecia Areata - Monograph
Safe and Effective Prescription of Controlled Substances - Monograph
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training - Monograph
Shaping Futures: Pharmacy's Role in Pediatric Obesity - Monograph
Sterile Compounding 101: Standards, Guidelines, and Regulations - Monograph
Sterile Compounding 101: Standards, Guidelines, and Regulations Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Strategies for Managing Clostridioides difficile Infections - Monograph
Supportive Care in Oncology - Monograph
Supportive Care in Oncology Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
The ABCs of IBS - Pre-Recorded Webinar
The ABCs of IBS - Monograph
The Benefits and Challenges of Telepharmacy - Monograph
The Diverse Properties and Uses of Beta-Blockers - Monograph
The Handling of Hazardous Drugs - Monograph
The Management of Chronic Pain and the Role of the Pharmacist - Monograph
The Multiple Facets of Multiple Sclerosis - Pre-Recorded Webinar
The Multiple Facets of Multiple Sclerosis - Monograph
The Opioid Crisis: Overview and Prevention Strategies - Monograph
The Primary Care Team in Cancer Care Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
The Regulation, Benefits and Risks of Marijuana Use - Monograph
The Role of Prescription Digital Therapeutics in Medical Practice - Monograph
The Role of the Primary Care Team in Cancer Care - Monograph
The Yellow Brick Road: Navigating a Pharmacy Career Path - Monograph
Ticks and Transmission: Nasty Little Bugs, Nastier Disease - Monograph
Tramadol - Monograph
Treating COVID-19 - Monograph
Treating Recalcitrant Acne: Isotretinoin as an Option - Monograph
Treatment of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Adults - Monograph
Ulcerative Colitis Insights: A Primer for Pharmacy Teams - Monograph
Uncovering Mental Health Issues in the Veteran Population - Monograph
Under Pressure: Prevention and Management of Pressure Injuries - Monograph
Under Pressure: Prevention and Management of Pressure Injuries Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Understanding Managed Care and Its Trends - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Understanding Managed Care and Its Trends - Monograph
Urinary Tract Infections Unraveled: Comprehensive Approaches to Diagnosis and Management for Healthcare Providers - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Urinary Tract Infections Unraveled: Comprehensive Approaches to Diagnosis and Management for Healthcare Providers - Monograph
Using Dual SGLT Inhibitors to Treat Heart Failure - Monograph
Vaccine and Immunization Training - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Vaccine and Immunization Training - Monograph
Validation and Counseling of Prescriptions for Controlled Substances and Opioids - Monograph
What Happens Now? A Review of USP <797> Revisions - Pre-Recorded Webinar
What Happens Now? A Review of USP <797> Revisions - Monograph

Pharmacy Tech Courses

A Guide for the Management of Crohn’s Disease - Monograph
A Guide for the Management of Streptococcal Pharyngitis for Pharmacy Teams - Monograph
A New Spin on Mixology: Mechanisms and Consequences of Drug-Alcohol Interactions - Monograph
A Pharmacist’s Guide to Statin Therapy - Pre-Recorded Webinar
A Pharmacist’s Guide to Statin Therapy - Monograph
A Review of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - Pre-Recorded Webinar
A Review of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - Monograph
A Review of Testosterone Replacement Therapy for the Healthcare Team - Monograph
A Review of Testosterone Replacement Therapy for the Healthcare Team Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Abscess Management: A Guide for the Healthcare Team - Monograph
Abscess Management: A Guide for the Healthcare Team Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Administration of Injectable Medications - Monograph
Alzheimer's Disease Management and Caregiver Care - Monograph
Aripiprazole and Adherence to Antipsychotic Treatment Plans - Monograph
Asenapine - Monograph
Aspirin: Should it Stay or Should it Go Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Aspirin: Should it Stay or Should it Go? - Monograph
Aura You Ready: The Pharmacy Team’s Role in Migraine Management - Monograph
Best Practices for the Management of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections - Monograph
Best Practices for the Management of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Beyond Pain and Tiredness: Management of Fibromyalgia - Monograph
Beyond-Use Date Basics for Nonsterile Compounding - Monograph
Breast Cancer Treatment Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Breast Cancer Treatment: A Multidisciplinary Approach - Monograph
Brexpiprazole - Monograph
Burn Care Essentials Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Burn Care Essentials: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Assessment, Treatment, and Recovery - Monograph
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) - Monograph
Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus - Monograph
Commonly Used Medications That May Lead to Weight Gain - Monograph
Complexities of Cystic Fibrosis Pulmonary Care - Monograph
Compounding for Pediatric Patients - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Compounding for Pediatric Patients - Monograph
Compounding Techniques for Topical and Transdermal Preparations - Monograph
Compounding Techniques for Topical and Transdermal Preparations Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Compounding Techniques: Nonsterile Oral Dosage Forms - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Compounding Techniques: Nonsterile Oral Dosage Forms - Monograph
Contraception: A Primer for Pharmacists - Monograph
Culture of Safety in the Pharmacy Setting - Monograph
Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs): Challenges and Decisions - Monograph
Droperidol - Monograph
Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation: Do Not Let Your Patients Down - Monograph
Dry Eye Disease and Perfluorohexyloctane as a Treatment Option - Monograph
Erectile Dysfunction Management - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Erectile Dysfunction Management - Monograph
Ethical and Legal Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - Monograph
Ethics in Pharmacy Practice - Monograph
Federal HIPAA Compliance for Pharmacies - Monograph
Fentanyl: Misuse and Toxicity - Monograph
Fertility Medications: A Primer for Pharmacists - Monograph
Fezolinetant as a New Treatment for Menopausal Symptoms - Monograph
From Onset to Outcome: Acute Kidney Injury Insights for Healthcare Professionals - Monograph
From Onset to Outcome: Acute Kidney Injury Insights for Healthcare Professionals - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Gabapentin - Monograph
Head Lice: Solving 'Nit-Picky' Pediculus Capitis - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Head Lice: Solving 'Nit-Picky' Pediculus Capitis - Monograph
Health Care Misinformation: A Moving Target for Regulatory Oversight - Monograph
Heart to Heart: Outpatient Medication Management in Heart Failure - Monograph
HIPAA Compliance in the Pharmacy - Pre-Recorded Webinar
HIV-AIDS and Florida Prevention Programs - Monograph
HIV-AIDS: Prevalence, Etiology, and Prevention - Monograph
Hospice: Understanding and Optimizing Comfort Care - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Hospice: Understanding and Optimizing Comfort Care - Monograph
Human Trafficking - Monograph
Human Trafficking and Florida Reporting Mandates - Monograph
Hypertension: Focusing More Attention on Identification and Intervention - Monograph
Improving Cultural Competency in the Pharmacy Setting - Monograph
Improving Patient Outcomes by Managing Polypharmacy - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Improving Patient Outcomes by Managing Polypharmacy - Monograph
Influenza Vaccination - Monograph
It Is No Longer Just an Opioid Problem: Polysubstance Misuse and the Fourth Wave of the Overdose Crisis - Monograph
Kidney Connection: Insights into Chronic Kidney Disease Management for the Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team - Monograph
Kidney Connection: Insights into Chronic Kidney Disease Management for the Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Lecanemab-irmb: A Treatment Option for the Early Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease - Monograph
Lipid Management: Beyond Statins - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Lipid Management: Beyond Statins - Monograph
Lithium and Thyroid Complications - Monograph
Lithium Antimanic and Off-label Uses - Monograph
Lithium: Managing Bipolar Disorder in Childbearing Women - Monograph
Little Tick Bite, Big Problem: Lyme Disease - Monograph
Lupus: A Complex Autoimmune Disease - Monograph
Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers for the Healthcare Team - Monograph
Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers for the Healthcare Team Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Managing Asthma in Adults and Adolescents - Monograph
Managing Clostridioides difficile Infections Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Managing Otitis Media: Strategies for Pharmacy Teams - Monograph
Managing Patient Outcomes with Deprescribing - Monograph
Mastering Sterile Compounding: Stability, Sterility, and Beyond-Use Dating - Monograph
Mastering Sterile Compounding: Stability, Sterility, and Beyond-Use Dating Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Math Matters: A Review of Calculations for Nonsterile Compounding - Monograph
Math Matters: A Review of Calculations for Sterile Compounding - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Math Matters: A Review of Calculations for Sterile Compounding - Monograph
Measles - A Renewed Threat - Monograph
Measles - A Renewed Threat Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Medication Errors - Monograph
Medication Errors and Florida Reporting Rules - Monograph
Mental Health Awareness in the Pharmacy Setting - Monograph
Mitigating Implicit Bias in the Pharmacy Setting - Monograph
More Than the Blues: The Role of Zuranolone in the Treatment of Postpartum Depression - Monograph
Mpox (Monkeypox) Situational Awareness - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Mpox (Monkeypox) Situational Awareness - Monograph
Nasal Spray Epinephrine May Be Used to Overcome Barriers to Treating Anaphylaxis - Monograph
Navigating Nephrolithiasis: Insights and Interventions in Kidney Stone Management - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Navigating Nephrolithiasis: Insights and Interventions in Kidney Stone Management - Monograph
Navigating the Labyrinth of Depression: Guidelines and Strategies for Diagnosing, Managing, and Treating Depression - Monograph
New Developments in Pain Management - Monograph
New Epinephrine Spray and Anaphylaxis Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Nirsevimab-alip as a New Option to Prevent Respiratory Syncytial Virus - Monograph
Opioid Crisis: The Use of Naloxone in Preventing Opioid Overdose-Related Deaths - Monograph
Optimizing Outcomes: Best Practices in Documentation for Sterile and Nonsterile Compounding - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Optimizing Outcomes: Best Practices in Documentation for Sterile and Nonsterile Compounding - Monograph
Optimizing the Sterile Compounding Environment: Facility and Equipment Essentials - Monograph
Optimizing the Sterile Compounding Environment: Facility and Equipment Essentials Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Otitis Media for Pharmacy Teams Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Over-the-Counter Products and Drug-Drug Interactions - Monograph
Overview of Pharmacist-led Medication Therapy Management - Monograph
Oxcarbazepine and the Treatment of Partial Seizures - Monograph
Paracetamol Peril: Managing Acetaminophen Toxicity - Monograph
Parkinson's Disease: A Collaborative Approach to Addressing Motor Symptoms - Monograph
Parkinson's Disease: A Collaborative Approach to Addressing Motor Symptoms Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Patient-Facing Interactions: Pharmacy Technicians and Pharmacists Optimizing Care - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Patient-Facing Interactions: Pharmacy Technicians and Pharmacists Optimizing Care - Monograph
Pets Are Patients Too: A Review of Veterinary Compounding - Monograph
Pharmacoeconomics in Healthcare: More Than Dollars - Monograph
Pharmacologic Approaches to Diabetes Management: Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Based Therapies - Monograph
Pharmacologic Approaches to Diabetes Treatment: Oral Medications - Monograph
Pharmacotherapy Options for Smoking Cessation - Monograph
Pharmacy Team Guide to GERD - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Pharmacy Team Guide to GERD - Monograph
Practice Makes Perfect: A Guide to Mastering Garbing, Hand Hygiene, and Aseptic Technique - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Practice Makes Perfect: A Guide to Mastering Garbing, Hand Hygiene, and Aseptic Technique - Monograph
Pregabalin as a Treatment for Seizures or Neuropathic Pain - Monograph
Prescription Drug Misuse and Drug Diversion - Monograph
Prescription Drug Misuse and Drug Diversion - Monograph
Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis - Monograph
Psychotropics and Hyperprolactinemia - Monograph
Recent Advances in Gene Therapy for Hemophilia - Monograph
Recent Updates to Texas Pharmacy Laws and Rules - Monograph
Recognizing and Managing Adolescent Depression - Monograph
Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systemic Autoimmune Inflammatory Disease - Monograph
Ritlecitinib as a Treatment for Severe Alopecia Areata - Monograph
Safe and Effective Prescription of Controlled Substances - Monograph
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training - Monograph
Shaping Futures: Pharmacy's Role in Pediatric Obesity - Monograph
Sterile Compounding 101: Standards, Guidelines, and Regulations - Monograph
Sterile Compounding 101: Standards, Guidelines, and Regulations Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Strategies for Managing Clostridioides difficile Infections - Monograph
Supportive Care in Oncology - Monograph
Supportive Care in Oncology Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
The ABCs of IBS - Pre-Recorded Webinar
The ABCs of IBS - Monograph
The Benefits and Challenges of Telepharmacy - Monograph
The Diverse Properties and Uses of Beta-Blockers - Monograph
The Handling of Hazardous Drugs - Monograph
The Management of Chronic Pain - Monograph
The Multiple Facets of Multiple Sclerosis - Pre-Recorded Webinar
The Multiple Facets of Multiple Sclerosis - Monograph
The Opioid Crisis: Overview and Prevention Strategies - Monograph
The Primary Care Team in Cancer Care Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
The Regulation, Benefits and Risks of Marijuana Use - Monograph
The Role of Prescription Digital Therapeutics in Medical Practice - Monograph
The Role of the Primary Care Team in Cancer Care - Monograph
The Yellow Brick Road: Navigating a Pharmacy Career Path - Monograph
Ticks and Transmission: Nasty Little Bugs, Nastier Disease - Monograph
Tramadol - Monograph
Treating COVID-19 - Monograph
Treating Recalcitrant Acne: Isotretinoin as an Option - Monograph
Treatment of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Adults - Monograph
Ulcerative Colitis Insights: A Primer for Pharmacy Teams - Monograph
Uncovering Mental Health Issues in the Veteran Population - Monograph
Under Pressure: Prevention and Management of Pressure Injuries - Monograph
Under Pressure: Prevention and Management of Pressure Injuries Webinar - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Understanding Managed Care and Its Trends - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Understanding Managed Care and Its Trends - Monograph
Urinary Tract Infections Unraveled: Comprehensive Approaches to Diagnosis and Management for Healthcare Providers - Pre-Recorded Webinar
Urinary Tract Infections Unraveled: Comprehensive Approaches to Diagnosis and Management for Healthcare Providers - Monograph
Using Dual SGLT Inhibitors to Treat Heart Failure - Monograph
Vaccine and Immunization Training - Monograph
Validation and Counseling of Prescriptions for Controlled Substances and Opioids - Monograph
What Happens Now? A Review of USP <797> Revisions - Pre-Recorded Webinar
What Happens Now? A Review of USP <797> Revisions - Monograph